Gloria Fanchiang is a songwriter, producer, and recording artist from New Jersey. Her original worship music draws from the scriptures and speaks of God’s justice and kindness.
Gloria’s original worship song “God Who Sees Us,” published by GIA Publications, Inc., has been used by various churches and events including the 2022 InterVarsity Urbana Conference and the 2022 Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries Consultation, where Gloria was a featured plenary speaker. Gloria also won 1st place in the 2023 Church of the Servant New Psalm Contest with her song “You Are My Shepherd,” which is featured on her sophomore album “Psalms.” Additionally, her song “Lift Our Heads” was published by Cardiphonia, and she is the featured hymnist of the UCCMA Journal for the 2023-2024 year.
Gloria started a blog in 2022 to share her research of worship resources that speak to Asian American contexts. Her blog post titled “A History of Asian American Worship Music” was republished by the Asian American Christian Collaborative, SOLA Network, and the Center for Congregational Song.
Gloria served as the Worship Director of HA:N UMC from May 2019 to April 2021, and has also led worship at Metro Community Church in Englewood, NJ; Church of the Village in NYC; and EFC Alhambra in Alhambra, CA. Gloria grew up studying classical piano and flute, and has sang and played in numerous choirs and ensembles since childhood. She holds a Certificate of Christian Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, as well as a B.A. in sociology from Wesleyan University. Gloria was named a Lovelace Scholar in 2019 by the Hymn Society of the United States and Canada.
Gloria’s music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc. and can be found in the CCLI and ONE LICENSE catalogs.
范姜士昀 (Gloria Fanchiang) 是美國出生的第二代華裔,衛斯理大學畢業,並取得富勒神學院基督教研究神學證書。六歲學彈鋼琴,也學過長笛、吉他和聲樂。2012年起,在教會帶領敬拜讚美,曾經服事過紐澤西大都會社區教會、紐約衛斯理公會及洛杉磯和平台福基督教會。2014年開始從事創作敬拜讚美詩歌,希望聖靈復興北美第二代的亞裔及華人基督徒,且一起創作屬於自己的福音歌曲。